Giving Tuesday!

Hey Pause fam! Did you know today is Giving Tuesday? You might be thinking “Wait.. Is that even a thing?!” Sure is! Giving Tuesday was started by a New York City nonprofit in 2012 to encourage people to give back to their local communities. In fact, Giving Tuesday has gained so much traction that last year people donated nearly $2.5 billion in the United States. Wow! That’s a lot of impact!

It’s super easy to make a donation to a reputable nonprofit or cause. The hard part can often be seeing how your donation makes a difference in the local community. When you donate to Pause, the funds go straight toward our mission of providing rest, support, connection, and fun for families with differing needs to build resilience and increase hope. Let’s break down how your donation makes a difference in the lives of Pause families!

Donations used to provide rest are often immeasurable. When you donate to Parent’s Night Out, Virtual Hangouts, or Respite On Demand - you give more than a break to families. You give a chance to breathe. A chance to tackle the pile of laundry that’s been building up. A chance to take a bath in peace. A chance to take an uninterrupted trip to the grocery. Giving caregivers a break is essential to provide the necessary care for their families and is proven to create better outcomes for kids!

Donations used to provide support give families space to share their story and learn from professionals or friends. It might be cliché to say we are stronger together - but we are! Having a supportive community means having friends to call on when an emergent trip to the hospital arises. It means being able to access parent training and coaching through Pause University to help our kids be more successful where they learn and where they play. It means having a network to reach out to after a hard day.

Donations used to provide connection help families create natural support systems. Families often feel alone in their journey of caring for kiddos with special needs. When you donate to Thrive Night, Thrive for Community, or Pause Unlimited - you are helping families make stronger connections with other families like theirs. You are helping families exchange phone numbers to share resources when a new diagnosis comes. Connections open the door to be invited into another family's home - for possibly the first time ever! To connect with another caregiver with a similar story means they never have to journey their story alone again.

Donations used to provide fun help families create stronger bonds, create happy memories, and strengthen self-esteem. Families have the opportunity to attend sensory friendly events handcrafted for their entire family. No matter the family dynamic, all members of each family have an opportunity to share smiles and laughter - TOGETHER. Creating these specialized experiences remind them they matter, they are worthy and they are important.

When you donate to Pause on this Giving Tuesday - you will almost immediately see the impact of your donation. Whether it’s $1 or $1,000 - your donation will have the potential to change the life of a child. A caregiver. A family. That sort of impact will also change your life.

This is CAN DO.  This is COMMUNITY.  This is YOUR SUPPORT.


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Meet Sarah Preda!