Meet Sarah Preda!

It’s time to introduce you to our very own rockstar Pause Volunteer - Sarah Preda! Sarah has been volunteering with Pause for the past 6 years and has been an Impact Partner with Pause for the last 4, which means we get to see her smiling face once a month! #ThatsALotOfEvents

Sara’s role at each event is to support kiddos who need some extra love. This could look like a child needing extra hugs if they are separating from their caregivers for the first time in a long time - or ever! It could look like a kiddo needing some quiet time in our Reflections room or a sweet babe having big feelings and needing the reminder they are loved, safe and important. Whatever the reason, Sarah meets our kids where they are and is a safe person with a safe smile every single time.

Sarah is a mama to two adult sons, Matthew and David and has been married to her husband Steve for 30 years! With over 18 years of experience in education, Sarah has a passion for kiddos and helping them learn. She spent 14 years in a 3rd grade classroom and now coaches teachers, helping them to grow their instructional practices. Sarah loves to cook, travel and attend concerts! Fun fact about Sarah - she grew up in Louisiana and met and married her husband in Minnesota! Although they live far away from their families, they’ve made some very close friends who they now call “framily.” #Adorbs

We asked Sarah some questions about her experience volunteering with Pause, here’s what she said!

Why did you choose to volunteer with Pause?
Heather Wells told me about an opportunity to volunteer with Pause as a Crisis Intervention Specialist. I had absolutely no idea what the organization was or what would be expected. When I met with Lisa McCoon, I knew it was meant to be! Her passion for Pause and her vision for how to serve families ignited a spark in me. I love learning from children because let’s be honest, nobody teaches you more about yourself than a child. Their honesty, genuine curiosity, and sincere emotional responses teach you pretty much everything you need to know about life- love, listening, laughter- these things can change the world, right?

Why do you continue to volunteer with Pause?
There are so many things I could say here, but the short answer is the look on the faces of the families as they pick up their children at the end of parents’ night out events. These people put their trust in Pause volunteers which I know can be nerve wracking and they come back relaxed and refreshed after a few short hours. Everyone deserves some time to rest and refresh.

Why is it important for you to serve with Pause every month?
Volunteering with Pause is important to me because I want to be part of something bigger than me. Community is everything! Supporting our community is the best way to make an impact.

What is your favorite part about volunteering with Pause?
My favorite part about volunteering is making connections with the amazing kiddos!

Have you overcome any challenges while volunteering?
I’m not sure volunteering has helped me overcome challenges, but it’s certainly given me perspective on the challenges others face.

Do you find any challenges volunteering with Pause?
The only challenge I have experienced in volunteering with Pause is saying goodbye at the end of the night.

Do you feel like you're making an impact?
I feel I am making an impact by volunteering with Pause by showing empathy and respect for the families we serve. It’s very easy to make assumptions about situations. By opening my heart, I have opened my mind to learning about challenges families face. Learning is truly the only way to grow. By volunteering, I hope to encourage others to think about how they can serve the community. I like to think that this very small part I play with Pause gives families encouragement and demonstrates that they are seen, they are valued, they are worthy.

Sarah - YOU are such a bright light in the lives of our kiddos. Thank you for choosing Pause and loving our families wholeheartedly.

This is CAN DO. This is COMMUNITY. This is YOUR SUPPORT.


Giving Tuesday!


Thrive Night!