Meet Kaylann!

A question we are often asked is “What will my kids do at Pause?” Our first response is “Have FUN!” but in a super intentional, sensory friendly and trauma responsive environment.

How do we create this experience?

Intentionality - We use brain science to guide the creation of activities - some to get kids moving and some to calm them. We know kiddos come to us from all different backgrounds and experiences. We are intentionally mindful to create safe and secure environments to set children and teens up for success! All of our activities are adaptable to meet every child where they are and are inclusive in every way.

Sensory friendly - We know the brain works best when all five senses are engaged. Kiddos have the choice to touch, hear, see, smell and even taste throughout planned activities. A Pause favorite are our sensory bins! Kiddos get to build, explore and discover through tactile play to engage all their senses!

Trauma Responsive & Resilience Factors -  The Growing Resilience eBook* (Brought to you by a Strong Family, Safe Communities project administered by greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services) featuring rockstar Pause partners Mary Vicario (founder of Finding Hope Consulting) and Sarah Buffie (founder of Soul Bird Consulting) teaches us the factors to building resilience are:

  1. Voice Choice and Control

  2. Self-Esteem: Self-Worth: Self-Compassion

  3. External Supports

  4. Positive Connections with Safe Adults

  5. Belonging or Affiliation

When kids have the voice to choose - it helps to affirm their opinions matter and need to be heard. 

When kids have positive self-worth - they know that their mistakes don’t define their character. 

When kids have external support - they are more equipped to make sense of their surroundings. 

When kids have positive connections with safe adults - they know they are cared for and loved. 

When kids feel like they belong - they feel less judgment from their peers and more connected to their community.

From allowing kids which activities to choose next, to sharing positive affirmation stickers, to building relationships with safe adult volunteers - every activity at Pause incorporates a resilience factor.

After 8 years in this work of serving families and children, these components are essential to Pause programming and need specialized thought, care and love poured into their creation. It’s SO important to us that we’ve hired our very own Content Coordinator - Kaylann Yankie! Kaylann is a teacher at heart! She taught Kindergarten and 1st grade for 9 years and loved helping little people grow and learn. Kaylann says, “My bucket is most full when I am helping the kiddos in my life explore their world in new ways. When I became a mom, that love just grew deeper and I love to see the world through my daughter's eyes.” The Yankie family loves to travel, explore outside, and try lots of new foods!

Since Kaylann jumped on board this summer, she has absolutely rocked out the creation of these activities! During the September Parent’s Night Out, children enjoyed our camping theme! They got to sing songs and read stories around a pretend campfire, explore a forest sensory bin, create constellations out of mini marshmallows, build tents out of playdoh, create mini aluminum boats, build a LEGO campsite, create binoculars to look for birds and hear from a expert hiking guest speaker! Our teens even made beeswax candles and learned about national parks across the country!

Let’s get to know Kaylann a little better!

What are you most excited about in your role with Pause?
I am so excited to plan 100% fun experiences for our kiddos. Seeing my ideas turn into lasting, positive memories for them will be priceless to me.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? How did that play out in what you are doing now?
I wanted to be an artist, but I couldn't draw :) As I grew, I learned to use my creative juices to help those around me, especially kids. I started as an art major in college and quickly knew I wanted to be a teacher instead. That time in my life taught me so much, and I am now excited to use those skills in a totally new way at Pause.

When you think about who you were intricately designed to be, how will you be a benefit to the families and volunteers we serve?
I have a sensitive heart, which allows me to see people. I want to use this trait to design activities for kids, caregivers, and volunteers that meet their needs and fill their buckets.

What gets you out of bed in the morning?
Smiles! The joy that people bring to me, and that I hopefully bring to them, keeps me going everyday.

What do you want our Pause families to know about you?
I can't wait to get to know you, because your kids are AMAZING! Their story is important to me and I am excited to get to be a small part of it.

Kaylann - you are an absolute gift to our Pause family and we cannot thank you enough for all the love, support and kindness you bring to our kiddos!

This is CAN DO. This is COMMUNITY. This is YOUR SUPPORT.


Meet Michael!


We Can’t Keep Up