Meet Michael!

Over the past few weeks, a number of Pause families have shared the challenges their children have recently faced at school. During the school day, it isn’t uncommon for kids with extra needs to experience big emotions because of sensory overload, anxiety, emotional overwhelm and more. The student with OCD might struggle when other children are not following rules or are out of order in line. The student with sensory processing disorder might struggle when all the sudden recess is indoors, the noise level is loud or their brain can’t process the change in environment fast enough. The student with autism might have a hard time with the change of routine or transitioning to the next objective.

We know school can be tough - and we know our kiddos can be so successful when the environment is set up for success and their needs are met. When we make students feel safe, seen and heard, give space for regulation and equip educators with the necessary support, we have seen students thrive!

Investing and advocating for special needs children in the school setting establishes the foundation for the rest of their life. When schools can support kids through the younger years, they are able to more easily transition to life after school. No one knows this journey more than our newest Pause Board Member - Michael Albrecht! Michael supervises two programs at Butler Tech to help young adults with IEPs get jobs and live independently in the community. His career has been built around working with young people with disabilities in the public school system. Michael shares, “I am inspired by their accomplishments in the face of extreme adversity that most of us are never required to face.”

Michael is a person who believes the good fortune he has enjoyed in his life requires he does whatever he can to support others. Michael said, “My wife Nancy and I have been involved with supporting and leading the free clothing mission, Rethreads, in Fairfield for over ten years. We have two young children of our own as well, and they are a constant reminder to me that we are not here for ourselves, but rather to make the world a better place for future generations.”

Why do you think it's important to serve as a member of the Pause Board?
Pause is one of the best things happening in Butler County. While serving on the Executive Council of the Butler County Family and Children First Council, I saw Pause take shape, sparked by the wild idea of a few individuals, grow beyond expectations, and strike out on its own in partnership with Center Pointe. I have always had an admiration for the work that Pause is doing, and I am delighted to serve in any way possible to help the mission continue to thrive and grow.

What's your perspective of serving on the Pause Board through the lens of a special needs advocate?
My lens is that of a public school special educator. I see that, while the schools can offer a great deal of supports for exceptional learners, they are also constrained by limited resources and, at times, overbearing accountability requirements. Pause is able to fill some of the resulting gaps through the many different services it provides. I do believe that our public education system is one of our country's greatest achievements, but until we are able to fully fund and support it properly, there will always be shortcomings. Pause is part of a community of people coming together to ensure the success and dignity of individuals with disabilities and their families. I am proud to be a small part of that.

In what ways do you feel you've impacted families?
I feel like I am making my greatest impact on Pause families when I volunteer at Parents Night Out or other events, but I know that the two programs I oversee at Butler Tech, Project LIFE and Project SEARCH, also provide critical support for many Pause families by helping their young adults learn how to live as independently as possible and being successfully employed in our community. I always feel a lift when I run into our former students working in the community. They bring so much joy, passion, and hope to the workplaces they impact.

Michael - thank YOU for your continuous support, engagement and leadership to our Pause staff and families. You are essential to the work we do everyday!

This is CAN DO. This is COMMUNITY. This is YOUR SUPPORT.


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