Meet Our Summer Squad!

If there’s one thing for certain in our Pause program - we embrace change! We have developed a team culture where we are constantly moving forward, adapting with current needs of families and looking toward the future. 

So much so, we’ve made one of our team values Adapt to Change. Pause strategically shifts often for excellence and sustainability. We actively seek out and integrate new perspectives in our program, we are responsive to our environment and proactive in our planning.

One of the reasons we are so open to trying out new resources and events is because we are constantly adding interns to our team who are eager learners and not afraid to innovate! Pause enjoys hosting student staff because we know this experience will help them gain real world experience, help them fine tune their skills and essentially move them from student to professional. Interns always bring fresh ideas and new energy to our team leading us to develop new (and needed!) ways to support families!

We would love to introduce you to our summer interns - David, Mackenzie and Jacob!

David is entering his junior year at Akron University as a pre-med major with plans to become a pediatrician! David loves staying active, usually by lifting or hiking. He’s a big Cincinnati sports fan and loves to watch the Reds - even when they lose!

Mackenzie is entering her sophomore year at Wright State University as an Elementary Education major! She loves to be creative and especially loves painting and drawing.

Last but certainly not least, Jacob is our Pause Support Intern this summer and is essential to our team! He loves to give back and help with the kiddos each week! Jacob also enjoys working and playing video games!

Let’s hear about their Pause experience so far!

Why did you choose to intern with Pause?
“I chose to be an intern with Pause because I saw so many benefits! I am an Elementary Education major so the experience alone will be extremely useful. I also have a heart for helping children and this internship gives me that opportunity!” - Mackenzie S.

“I chose to intern with Pause because I believe that it will give me a unique experience that few other opportunities would be able to. I love that I get to work with children and young adults with extra needs and their families.” - David A.

“I grew up around kids with disabilities and saw the way they were treated, and so I wanted to show these kids that their disability does not define who they are.” - Jacob F.

What has been your favorite part so far and what are you most excited about?
“My favorite part so far was meeting all of the other people who work for Pause. Everyone is extremely nice and welcoming! I am most excited about working with the children on Sunday mornings!” - Mackenzie S. 

“Meeting the team has been my favorite part so far because everyone was so nice and welcoming. I'm most excited for the respite events.” - David A.

“My favorite part is on Sundays when I get to help in the classroom. I love to help them have fun and learn about God. Sundays are also the most exciting.” - Jacob F.

How do you plan to take what you're learning this summer and apply it to your future?
“I plan to take what I am learning this summer and directly apply it to when I become a teacher. In my <summer> position I will help plan curriculum and watch the execution on Sundays! This will give me experiences that I will need to be a teacher!” - Mackenzie S.

“I hope to gain a better understanding on how to work with people in general and be able to be more compassionate to everyone.” - David A.

“I want to be a teacher's aid and work with kids with disabilities in school and I will be able to show them extra support.” - Jacob F.

Do you feel like you’re making an impact on families with extra needs?
“I absolutely feel like I am making an impact on families with extra needs! This whole internship surrounds wanting to help families and children! Pause is a great outlet for us to help!” - Mackenzie S.

“Yes, I believe that I am helping lighten the load and give a bit of a break for families who have extra needs.” - David A.

“Yes, I feel like I'm impacting families because I give the kids the fun that they need and let their parents relax.” - Jacob F.

David, Mackenzie and Jacob - thank you so much for dedicating your time to learning about our families and ways to support them! You are essential to our Pause team!

This is CAN DO.  This is COMMUNITY.  This is YOUR SUPPORT.


Happy Anniversary Pause!


Meet Dan!