Prepare. Predict. Practice.

Preparing our kids for new places and experiences involves a lot of planning, attention to detail and a wide range of questions. Some of the most common questions that families with extra needs have when visiting a new place are: 

“What is the typical crowd level? Is there typically a wait time?”
“Are there a lot of places to hide, escape or get lost? How many exits? Is the outdoor area gated?”
“Is there a lot of walking? Is it wheelchair or stroller accessible?”
“What’s the typical noise level? Are they able to accommodate differing sensory needs?”
“Are we allowed to bring our own food? If not, what oils/ingredients are in the food provided?”
“What’s the cost? Are we allowed to leave and come back free of charge if we need a sensory break?” 

It can be intimidating or even scary to bring kiddos to new environments. Caregivers often spend a lot of time researching new places, asking all of these questions and preparing in advance for transitions.

We’ve found that when families with extra needs are able to experience new places together it feels less scary and overwhelming. They know what to expect, they are around families similar to themselves and aren’t as worried about how other people will perceive their family.

So, how do we do that? Rent out a public space just for Pause families! Caregivers and kiddos are able to practice going to a new environment and they’re able to practice being around other people! When families are able to experience a new place without all of the things to worry about, they are more likely to come back on their own!

On May 13, Pause went to Niederman Family Farm! We welcomed 72 families making up 286 caregivers and kiddos! Families were able to get together, enjoy the weather and build community. Of course, they also had the normal Neiderman fun too as they watched their kids have a blast on the jumping pillow or race each other on tricycles!

Big shout outs to…

  • Raymond’s Pizza for supplying us with 26 pizzas!

  • Our 8 dedicated Pause volunteers who helped us create a fun and welcoming environment!

  • Niederman Farm for partnering with us to provide a highly anticipated event!

  • Our grant funder at Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services (Strong Families, Safe Communities) for making this event possible!

One Pause family said.. “The event made me feel proud. My family doesn’t pull many family outings outside of home and church…or without the help of a buddy sitter or grandparent. We were able to do this event with just us knowing the farm wouldn’t be overcrowded and more over stimulating than usual. It was amazing!”

When families can prepare, predict and practice they are able to more fully enjoy their community. Thanks for helping to make that possible for so many families, CAN DO!

This is CAN DO. This is COMMUNITY. This is YOUR SUPPORT.


Pause is Growing!


Growth in 2022!