The Pause Fam is Growing!

After looking at trends from the past 6 months, After looking at trends from the past 6 months, we can confidently share that Pause is in another season of hyper-growth! Just this month alone, 31 families are completing their enrollment to become part of Pause. #Wowza!we can confidently share that Pause is in another season of hyper-growth! Just this month alone, 31 families are completing their enrollment to become part of Pause. #Wowza!

Thirty-one families means even more children attending events like Parent’s Night Out, Thrive Night, Family Fun and Unlimited! As we looked at our growth, our team and attendance for events, it just made sense to restructure our event operations to include separate coordinators for both our weekly respite events (Unlimited) and our other monthly events. This means dedicated teams to bring families the high-quality and safe programming they love in more specialized ways.

This leads us to great news we want to share with you - our CAN DO family! This introduction may not be a huge surprise as her face isn’t someone new to you! Taylor Giltner joined Pause as a mama in 2017. As we journeyed to become our own non-profit, she then joined the Board in July as our Board Secretary and worked diligently in getting our 501c3 up and running successfully. As we thought about who would make the perfect fit for our Pause Unlimited Coordinator role, Taylor’s name consistently was shared as someone who was passionate about Pause, volunteered with us on Sunday and had already taken a leadership role in Unlimited events. In December, we made it official and Taylor joined our staff team as the Unlimited Coordinator. She leads the team to provide curriculum and programming for the 32 kids enrolled in Unlimited each Sunday and does it with grace, passion and a commitment to personalize learning for each child that walks through the doors.

Let’s get to know Taylor a little better!

What are you most excited about in your role with Pause?
I am so excited to go from a parent, to a Board member, to the Unlimited Coordinator! I have always loved what Pause is about and how it is constantly evolving and changing to meet the needs of families in our own community. I love teaching and working with young children and am excited about our Sunday morning program that makes learning about Jesus accessible and fun for all kiddos.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? How did that play out in what you are doing now?
I have always wanted to be a teacher and am grateful for the years of experience teaching kindergarten, first grade, and as a Reading Specialist prior to staying home with my own three young children. Now that my own kids are in school full time, I'm ready to work part time and this is the perfect fit for my passions and talents!

What gets you out of bed in the morning?
What gets me out of bed?! My young children are all roosters! Through my own experiences as a teacher and as a mother, my passion for inclusion and strengthening the mental health of young children has evolved and led me to the place I am today. Plus, aren't little kids just fun to talk to and play with?!

What do you want our Pause families to know about you?
I am a "Pause Mama" first and I have a lot of empathy and compassion for my fellow families in the program. I am always here to pray with you, brainstorm ideas with, or be a listening ear. Please know that I welcome any feedback in regards to the Unlimited program and welcome any insight to how I can help your child and your entire family have successful Sunday mornings at Center Pointe. I thank you for entrusting your precious child to me on Sunday mornings and know that my goal is to be a positive cheerleader in their life as I guide them to learning more about Jesus.

Taylor - thank YOU for saying “yes” to this journey! The impact you make on the lives of young people is immeasurable!

This is CAN DO.  This is COMMUNITY.  This is YOUR SUPPORT.  


Meet Kelli!


Merry Christmas!