Thrive Night!

What happens at Thrive Night stays at Thrive Night. #IfYouKnowYouKnow

It’s a tagline that was created after one of our first Thrive events. It encapsulates the fun and child-like silliness that happens when caregivers are given the space to trade in daily responsibilities and stress for a night created just for them. Our Pause parents resonate with it so much they have started making t-shirts to wear to events!

Whether it’s emptying purses for a scavenger hunt, singing the Fresh Prince of Bel Air at the top of their lungs, leading a Conga line or playing Minute to Win It games, our caregivers show up and show up big. Many walk into these events nervous at first - some unsure they should be there at all, but walk out feeling “inspired, rejuvenated, seen, and refreshed.” Laughter is good for the soul and at Thrive there is a lot of it!

Last Friday, 112 caregivers and kids participated in our first in-person Thrive Night since Covid! After dinner and some fun, caregivers attended breakout sessions facilitated by ThrivePointe therapists where they engaged in meaningful conversations around our theme for the night: Making Connections...and What to do When Things Get Messy. In these groups parents are often reminded they are not alone. Caregivers shared:

“Thrive night made me feel human again for the first time in a long time.”

“I felt like I could connect with other parents who understand exactly how I feel. I felt laughter, and fun. I felt informed during the break out sessions and could express myself to other like-minded people.”

“It was amazing to connect again!”

What about the kids? They had all their normal fun! Siblings were able to attend their very own mini Thrive Night workshop led by Sarah Bryant, Pause’s very own MSW Miami intern and Katie Dixon from ThrivePointe. Word on the street is they had a blast: “It was the best night of my life, ever!” #SameKiddoSame

Special thanks to the 36 volunteers who made the event possible and our community partners who never cease to amaze us with their generosity! Shout out to...

  • Center Pointe for hosting the event.

  • ThrivePointe for joining the fun and leading conversations to catalyze life change.

  • Our grant funders Ohio Department of Mental Health (Strong Families, Safe Communities) and Ohio Children’s Trust Fund for making this event possible.

Longtime Thrive Night partner Stephanie Shell of ThrivePointe says, “You could feel the love at Thrive Night! This event is always an uplifting and meaningful experience, but being in-person together again felt like a reunion. Break out conversations highlighted the powerful growth Pause families have achieved as they shared about their journeys and welcomed new families with open arms and heart-felt validation. We’re grateful to be a part of these bonding experiences that attend to our needs to play, reflect, and connect.”

This is CAN DO.  This is COMMUNITY.  This is YOUR SUPPORT.  


Meet Sarah Preda!


Creating Community