Twinkling Stars

When families enroll in Pause, one of the last pieces to the enrollment process is to complete a Family Journey Map to share with our team more about their family’s unique needs and how Pause can support them to achieve goals they have for their family. 

Throughout the last year, a top need reported by caregivers is for their kids to develop friendships. Developing healthy, supportive and encouraging relationships with others is something everyone needs - we were designed for community! 

That’s why we are excited to announce that Encore Performing Arts and Pause are entering their 3rd year as partners! Encore’s competition team, Twinkling Stars, is an opportunity for children with extra needs to dance competitively while building community! Twinkling Stars dancers learn choreography and then hit the big stage 3-4 times regionally to compete. They also are given “bigs” - older dancers who encourage and mentor kids on the Twinkling Stars team - creating more community within the larger organization.  

Encore is proud of their Twinkling Stars Competition Team! They had a phenomenal season and are looking forward to growing their teams even more! This last season, the older group (ages 7-12) competed in two styles of dance, hip hop and lyrical. The younger team (ages 5-6) competed in a ballet dance. Both teams came to class once a week to work on their choreography and learn new skills. They also participated in a Showcase, Christmas end of the season recital. 

We asked Twinkling Stars dance teacher, Sara Finley, to share even more!

1. Are there any obstacles that the girls overcame this year?
“For our little ones, it was simply just learning classroom etiquette. Once they all settled into dance class, we worked hard on remembering our choreography and understanding the order of our dance. Each time they danced on stage, they performed better than the time before.

Our older girls learned how to move and change costumes quickly and keep up with the competition pace. They also are at the age where they are learning to be team players, overcome conflict, and help support each other. 

Each and every one of our students have grown in their own ways as a result of our competition season. I have seen so many of them work hard and be proud of themselves for the work that they have done and also step up and understand when they can work to make it even better. They practice at home and come to class and competitions showing pride in what they have done.”

2. Why do you think it’s important for kids to be involved in a dance team?
“It gives them the opportunity to be a part of something incredibly special. These kids bond with one another and create friendships that mean so much to them, and us as their teachers. It is also important to be involved in dance because it keeps the kids active in a way that also allows them to express themselves.”

3. What impact do you think this dance team has on the girls involved?
“I have seen an incredible impact on all of our girls. For many of them, it has allowed them to come out of their shell and be a bit more outgoing with a larger group of people. It has also created so many friendships that the girls hold a lot of value too. The relationships they are building outside of their classes with other students is priceless.”

But what do our parents have to say?

“Our 2021-2022 season went on full force and wow!! They attended 3 competitions and wanted more!  Every time these girls have gotten on stage they light up the room!  The joy that is on their faces is amazing!  It has been such a joy watching these girls persevere, grow in their love of dance, build their self confidence and build the sweetest friendships.  This past dance season the Twinkling Stars grew to 11 girls. Oh my heart!! These girls are a part of the Encore dance team and all of the “typical” dancers and their parents show so much support, encouragement and unconditional love for these girls. Our hope is that the Twinkling Stars will have more to join this great adventure for the 2022-2023 dance season. The Twinkling stars will be adding a 4th competition and the girls and their parents seem super excited for the upcoming season.”
- Francie Fisette, Pause Mom & Twinkling Stars Dance Mom

“Twinkling Stars is such an amazing program that has allowed my daughters to blossom, make friends, be confident and make life long connections. The teachers, students, staff, fellow dancers and dance parents have made this experience life changing for my family. Thanks to Pause for making it happen.”
- Rana Issa, Pause Mom & Twinkling Stars Dance Mom

“Twinkling Stars is a wonderful program for kids of all abilities and ages. It gave my daughter an environment to learn dance and be a part of a team with a focus on being herself and having fun. I quickly learned Encore Performing Arts gives an outstanding effort of being all inclusive of all abilities. The teachers and staff lent their support and their time in such an effortless manner.  They pour their hearts into all the teams, but have a special knack for our Pause kiddos and their siblings. They are patient , and welcoming. This program opened a door for my daughter and the other girls to feel a part of something – that maybe some wouldn’t get in a “normal” circumstance. It also gave the parents of these wonderful kiddos a twinkle in their eye…to see our daughters shine in a way most of us haven’t been able to see before. I have been humbled by the entire experience, and I’m so thankful for the generosity, and support of both Pause and Encore Performing Arts.”
- Sarah Lawhorn, Pause Mom & Twinkling Stars Dance Mom

Are you inspired to join a dance team?! Perfect! Twinkling Stars is looking to expand their team this upcoming season and would love for you to check them out at their open house on Wednesday, July 27th from 7:15-8pm at Encore Performing Arts (3320 Tylersville Rd.) The official dance competition season starts Tuesday, September 6th!

Want more details? Reach out to Jaclin at and we will connect you with Encore Performing Arts!
* Scholarships available for Pause families if needed.

This is CAN DO.  This is COMMUNITY.  This is YOUR SUPPORT.  


Meet Ryan from the Pause Board!


Pause Family Firsts