Creating Connections
The CAN DO Directory is all about making connections. But, how do we make connections and what difference do they actually make? These weekly emails are distributed through several platforms and hundreds of people (aka YOU) read about Pause every week. Why? Because YOU want to find ways to give back and meet the needs of Pause families. Because you share and forward these emails along - YOU have made an intentional connection that brings BIG change. Recently, one CAN DO member shared one post that one neighborhood saw. The benefit? Lives will be changed.
This past weekend, the Carriage Hill neighborhood held their first annual 5k Run and Chug. Neighbors came together in community, not only to run a race, laugh and eat way too many snow cones, but with the goal to make an impact on something larger than themselves. And WOW. Did they ever. They are giving special needs caregivers a break. They are bringing special needs families out of isolation. They are creating culture change in the community.
The neighborhood raised $1,500 and donated all proceeds to Pause - but even more than that, they will directly be responsible for changing the trajectory lives of people they have never even met. It didn’t take a statewide policy change. It took one CAN DO member sharing one impactful story.
Carriage Hill, YOU will make it possible for 75 caregivers to come together in community with other caregivers, and because of that, they will feel less alone and leave with more hope. YOU will make it possible for 100 kids to receive fun, acceptance and activities that will build their self-esteem. YOU will make it possible for 75 volunteers to make a difference that goes well beyond the 3 hours they will serve our families.
We think that’s pretty great. Continue to make those connections. Share these impactful stories. Be part of the story that changes a life forever.
THIS is CAN DO. This is community. This is YOUR support.