Meet Sarah from the Pause Board!

Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes in a nonprofit? There are many moving parts to be sure we serve our families and community in the best way possible!

Nonprofits like Pause have a Board of Directors to help guide, protect and lead the program forward. Last year, when Pause launched out to nonprofit status we assembled an Executive Board to help drive the mission and vision of Pause and we are excited to start introducing you to our members!

This month, meet Sarah Buckingham! Sarah serves as Pause’s Board Treasurer. Sarah started her Pause journey as a Pause mom and her passion for advocacy continues to inspire us!

Sarah lives with her husband, Ryan, and their two sons, Gavin and Henry. Gavin is considered twice exceptional as he is gifted and has ADHD. Henry has Autism, ADHD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder and language delays. Sarah says, “Our household is full of big personalities and big feelings!” The Buckinghams enjoy travel, food, outdoor adventures and exploring Cincinnati. This year, Sarah started substitute teaching at Lakota. She is an active PTA mom and a founding member of the Lakota CARES district support group for families of children with disabilities. When Sarah gets some time to herself, she loves to decorate, shop, cook, connect with my friends, plan our next vacation or outing, and indulge in any BRAVO reality show! #Goals

We asked Sarah to share per Pause journey and give some insight on what it means to be a special needs mom on the Pause board.

“Our family has been part of Pause for four years. I will never forget the first time we dropped off our kids for a Parents’ Night Out event. I had NEVER left them with anyone besides their grandparents and I was terrified. Henry had severe separation anxiety and he was crying so hard. Lisa McCoon took Henry in her arms and rocked him, and I knew we had found somewhere we fit. During those three hours, the team sent me pictures of Henry having fun and I was able to relax knowing my kids were in good hands. As a special needs mom, I know firsthand the isolation, anxiety and grief that our Pause families process daily. I also know how rare it is to find somewhere and someone you fully trust to watch your kids. And Pause is so much more than that! It’s not just babysitting; they are pouring into our kids love, understanding and acceptance – not to mention teaching them life skills and providing a community of peers. One of my favorite events is the sib shop that is part of Thrive Night. Henry’s older brother, Gavin, often struggles with what it means to be a special needs sibling. This night gives him the opportunity to engage and connect with a unique community of peers who understand what he feels and experiences. One of the things that makes Pause so special is that EVERY member of the family has a place. There is support and acceptance for the children with special needs, connection and fun for the siblings, respite for the parents, and community for the entire family.

As I know other special needs parents can relate, we have been on quite a journey with Henry – from frustration and confusion when he was preschool age, to receiving an official diagnosis (which meant going through the entire grief cycle), and finally to acceptance and empowerment now that he is almost eight years old. Over the last year, I have been on a mission to embrace this life I was given and look for ways to advocate for Henry and other children like him. I am passionate about inclusion and acceptance, not just awareness. I often tell people Henry has taught me much more about life than I have taught him.

I am thrilled to have the opportunity to serve as the Treasurer on the Pause Board. I believe strongly in the mission of Pause and look forward to helping the organization march into this next growth phase. I am continuously amazed and impressed by the vision of the Pause team. No matter the obstacle put in front of them, they find a way around it to serve the special needs community!”

Sarah - thank YOU for your dedication to Pause and your continued support for our program. #WeThinkYouRock

This is CAN DO. This is COMMUNITY. This is YOUR SUPPORT.


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