Rest is Back!

Have kids? Have someplace you need to be? Want to be? Wish you could be? Maybe it’s a concert. A baseball game. Dinner out with friends or your partner. When most of us feel like taking a break, the struggle is as hard as seeing if the neighborhood babysitter is available or if grandma wants to have an overnight with our sweet, adorable, ready to be spoiled babes.

You’ve heard us preach that rest is important for families with kiddos that have differing needs. It allows them to refuel, regenerate, and recharge in ways that most of us get to do on a daily basis. Those sweet, adorable, ready to be spoiled babes with differing needs often take an extra layer of caution, preparedness and strategy - making babysitters hard to find. In the last 6 months, these are some of the posts Pause caregivers have made in our Facebook group about this very thing:

“In the past 6yrs we have gotten a babysitter once....but we would like to start going on more dates in 2021 to work on us a little! How do you find someone to trust with your kiddos?”

  • “Hi pause family, I am searching for a babysitter so I can keep my medical appointments for the summer.”

  • “Any leads on babysitters? We need someone Monday, Thursday and Friday’s. 2:45-9ish. Preferably in our home. Will need ASAP. (I really don’t want to have to quit my job)”

  • “Friends. I am REALLY struggling today with the boys. I am still working until June 15 and no babysitter now. I am desperate for normalcy and regulation. If there is anyone that can help me a few hours each day...please reach out to me.”

Pause Parent’s Night Out events help parents have these breaks with trained professionals and volunteers. They give caregivers not only the time away, but confidence that their kids are safe in part because of the training, background checks, activities and spaces provided.

One message that is consistent from community members who volunteer is “I had no idea how rewarding or easy this would be.” Why are they always surprised? It’s because if you walked into a Parent’s Night Out event, you would see kids and volunteers having fun on the surface. You would see them sitting around sensory bins trying to find the hidden treasures. You would see them building STEM projects or painting with watercolors. You would see them climbing a rock wall, swinging, or climbing in the tree house. You might even see a non-verbal kiddo fully communicating to a new friend through sign-language. All of those things are really cool to see and give the valid picture that we “babysit” and provide fun while parents get to take a breath. #True

What do you see when you go below the surface? That’s where the most beautiful things happen and it’s what surprises those who get to see it up close. What did we get to see this past Friday at our first Parent's Night Out in 18 months? Kids being able to practice social interactions in a safe space. Volunteers stretching their imagination and building their confidence. Kids learning to love themselves by playing games that build self-esteem.

We are taking it slow, but we are SO excited that Parent’s Day & Night Out are BACK! This event was extra special because it was the first large event we had in our very own space! #TakeThatRona This past Friday:

  • 25 Pause kiddos had fun while their caregivers took a break.

  • 26 volunteers filled their buckets as they made an impact in the lives of young people.

Shouting out the real heroes of the night…

  • ALL our volunteers for making this event happen for our kiddos! We couldn’t do it without you!

  • Faith Bogard for capturing the joy of our Pause kiddos. Thank YOU!

  • Raymond’s Pizza who helped Pause fuel our volunteers and kids!

  • Our grant funders at Strong Families, Safe Communities (Ohio Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services) & Ohio Children's Trust Fund.

Listen to what a Pause mom had to say!

“Thanks Pause for a fantastic first Parent’s Night Out in what seems like ages. We so deeply appreciate all the competence, commitment and care you pour into supporting our kids and our families. Our boys had a great time and were all smiles at pickup, full of chatter about the night. And we had a great date night out to boot!”

Ready to say yes? WE NEED YOU at our next event coming up on Saturday, September 25th from 9:45-2pm. Click HERE to register!

Every family is living in a lower story - balancing the day to day ups and downs of life. When you volunteer, you get to be part of their upper story - the 30,000 foot view - that includes life change. Parent’s Night Out isn’t just 3 hours of babysitting - it’s the gift of peace, it’s growing self-confidence in a child and it’s moving a family from surviving to thriving. Buckle up friends and don’t say we didn’t warn you - changing a life will change yours too.

This is CAN DO. This is COMMUNITY. This is YOUR SUPPORT.


Meet Sara!


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