Unlimited Potential

Dreaming big, thinking differently and making the impossible happen - that’s what Pause is all about. Oftentimes, special needs families have filtered through many different programs before they find Pause. They’ve been told her elementary aged child can’t attend special needs camp because they aren’t potty trained. They’ve been asked not to come back to Sunday school because their child causes “disruptions.” They’ve been called to pick their child up at every program they’ve ever tried because the staff/volunteers don’t have the resources and tools to properly care for them. We wish these stories weren’t true, but they are stories we hear just about weekly. 

Pause has two goals in mind when caregivers share these journeys with us. First, we want to always be a resource to others. By offering training and consultation, we can help other organizations learn what we have learned over our almost 10 years doing this work so that families can have more available resources, build more community and spread their wings.

Secondly, we want to sit with the family and help create a successful resilience plan by meshing their life story with their personal interests and needs. We want to curate an environment that works in sensory needs all while helping their body feel safe when they’re away from their most trusted people. This intentional and personalized planning for each and every child requires staff, volunteers, time and resources - and it is so very worth it, important and the key to success. We wouldn’t do it any other way or want it any other way!

We truly believe that in the vast majority of cases, all a kiddo needs is an environment engineered with tools so they can be successful and a safe person they can trust. When those two things collide, kids start to believe in themselves and their brains show up ready for fun instead of armed for protection -  allowing relationships to grow and healing from past experiences or narratives to begin.

One of the ways Pause incorporates this model into programming is within the Unlimited program Pause (in partnership with Center Pointe Christian Church). Lisa McCoon, Pause Executive Director shares “Pause started Unlimited after 40% of our families were seeking a place of worship. According to research done locally by Sweeten Life Systems, only 1% of churches in Cincinnati were offering a service for special needs kids above and beyond providing a room and a volunteer for supervision when we first started developing Unlimited. We are elated that 3 years later, Unlimited is meeting this need weekly serving an average of 48 kids on Sunday morning.”

Just like children have individualized learning plans in school, Unlimited Director, Taylor Giltner writes specialized curriculum for 11 small groups and 16 individualized lessons for children requiring 1:1 child/volunteer ratios.

Learning happens in various ways: 

  • By providing activities with movement - jumping on the trampoline, large group games, throwing balls while learning concise bible verses, bottom line bible truths or bible stories 

  • By offering opportunities for flexible seating and breaks 

  • By utilizing Pause Kits (hand held regulation tools) to calm their brain so they can focus easier

  • By using clear and concise curriculum (Bible stories around 5 minutes) for kids with shorter attention spans

  • By having access to picture schedules and using the same 1-2-3 routine every week so kids know what to expect

  • By providing low ratios for kids to get more individualized attention in small groups 

Along with writing curriculum, Taylor also is key in fostering relationships with caregivers and volunteers to build and maintain our faith community and all strategic planning. Providing administrative and logistical support, Mackenzie Smith - Unlimited Assistant, helps make the curriculum plans come to life by preparing for Sundays, coordinating volunteers and knowing ALL the things about our kids to make sure their needs are met and the day runs smoothly.

As always, we can’t miss sharing that this flexible learning would not be possible without our 30+ dedicated volunteers who show up weekly ready to love, nurture and bring the fun and our partnership with Center Pointe! They truly are the reason we can welcome Unlimited families into our space each week and provide them with a new beginning.

Interested in learning more about Unlimited and how you can jump in? Email questions@pauseforparents.org and ask about our volunteer opportunities!

This is CAN DO.  This is COMMUNITY.  This is YOUR SUPPORT.


Annual Traditions: Easter Addition


Meet Dave from the Board!