Impact of Pause Volunteers

When people think of the impact Pause makes they might immediately think of the families we serve. When we launched 7 years ago, that was the mission. It was the only one we had until we started building relationships with our volunteers and had the opportunity to ask them how the experience of volunteering with our kids changed their life.

Most people can look back and remember safe adults who helped them through a tough time in their childhood or were just present. Maybe it was a coach, a teacher, a church small group leader or a friend’s parent. Because isolation among families with extra needs is so high, there often isn’t as much opportunity for kiddos to establish safe adult relationships outside their families. We want to change that because we know kids have better outcomes when there is that opportunity.

Through opportunities like being a 1:1 buddy, a group leader or even the “fun dude who pushes kids on the zip line,” organized opportunities are transformed into organic relationships.

Maddie and Katie are University of Cincinnati students majoring in OT and PT who have been connecting with kids on Sunday mornings the past three months. Fun facts - Maddie is a competitive cheer coach at The Stingray Allstars and Katie is a ballerina and can stand on her toes without pointe shoes on!

Here is what they had to say about their volunteering experience:

Why did you choose to volunteer with Pause?
Maddie: I chose to volunteer with Pause because I love working with kids and it seemed like a fun way to make an impact on the community.

Katie: I chose Pause because I love helping with little ones at ballet and Pause seems like a wonderful community service idea, and helps make a difference to a lot of families.

Why do you continue to volunteer with Pause?
Maddie: The more I volunteer with Pause, the more I enjoy it. I love that I'm starting to get to know a lot of the kids, and I also love getting to serve in different rooms and meeting new ones! Every kid is so different and special, and they make being there so enjoyable and rewarding.

Katie: I enjoy it! The kids are great, it's set up nicely to give everyone what they need and it isn't stressful. It's very fun and I'm happy to help.

Why is it important for you to serve with Pause every month?
Maddie: It is important for me to volunteer with Pause every month because not only is a difference being made, but I am having a great time doing it. Seeing the kids' faces light up when you play with them, seeing how much they love different crafts they can do, and oh how much they love the backyard <gross motor room>! At the end of the day, it's all for the kids and seeing how happy Pause makes them.

Katie: It's fulfilling, more so than a part time job, and I know it matters to the kids who are there, and makes them more comfortable when they get to know you by coming routinely.

What is your favorite part about volunteering with Pause?
Maddie: My favorite part about volunteering with Pause is the community feel it brings. Everyone there is so kind. My first time serving I was a little nervous because I didn't really know anyone, but everyone made me feel so welcomed and I had an amazing time--I just knew I'd have to go back.

Katie: Helping with some of the special need's groups especially during craft time or storytime, they get so excited!

Have you overcome any challenges while volunteering?
Maddie: I haven't faced many big challenges, but I always try my best to make sure every kid feels included and is having a good time. Keeping every kid happy can sometimes be difficult, but I want every kid to leave with good memories at the end of the day.

Katie: I haven't had too many challenges at pause, but it has been helpful in getting me comfortable talking with others and kids.

Do you feel like you're making an impact?
Maddie:  Yes! I feel like I'm making an impact every time I see one of the kids smile. Their happiness is what truly matters. :)

Katie:  I do feel like I'm making an impact at Pause, it gives back to a very loving community and helping volunteer with the kids allows them the ability to play and be heard in a safe environment that isn't anywhere else. I'm definitely glad I can help Pause, and I think they have a very noble and practical application for their service. 

Maddie and Katie - thank YOU for being that safe adult in the lives of our kiddos. We are so excited to have you be a part of our team!  

Interested in learning more about Pause and consistent volunteer opportunities? Contact our Community Engagement Coordinator, Sara Porter at

This is CAN DO.  This is COMMUNITY.  This is YOUR SUPPORT. 


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