Meet OCTF!

One of the questions we are asked most is “How is Pause funded?” After a recent conversation with our team, we realized that topic is one we kind of avoid. Not because it’s not important, but because it can feel less critical than the day to day support we give families. We also deeply understand that without donors and funders we simply wouldn’t have much to do or talk about.

Each quarter, we want to take you backstage to get to know the individuals and organizations that allow us to unlock the Pause doors every morning. The people who read our grant proposals, send us donations and answer the tug to open their personal, corporate or state checkbooks.

Pause relies on funding to keep up with program expenses, in-person and virtual event costs, contracted services and day to day costs like printer toner, laminating pouches and #AllThePostIts. Although Pause has several grant funders - this month we are going to get to know The Ohio Children’s Trust Fund - or as their besties call them, OCTF. The statewide OCTF grant was first awarded to Pause in November of 2020 and was renewed in July 2021.

What does OCTF do?
The Ohio Children's Trust Fund has a very simple goal "to prevent child abuse and neglect through investing in strong communities, healthy families and safe children." To ensure that, OCTF focuses on parents, caregivers, and professionals who serve families. When the people who
surround children have the support and resources they need, then children
get the nurturing environments they deserve.

How does OCTF support Pause?
The statewide OCTF grant has helped Pause develop a virtual platform to support our families locally, but also throughout the state of Ohio.

That means we can continue to provide Covid responsive and innovative family supports like…

  1. Virtual parent trainings/coachings for caregivers to gain resources, tools, and support in small groups led by professionals.

  2. Virtual Hangouts for kids to hangout on Zoom with a vetted and trained volunteer. During their scheduled Zoom, both work on the same activity, craft, or game virtually to create a shared experience. Most importantly - they have fun and build lasting friendships!

  3. Virtual Family Fun for families to get together, create strong bonds, and memories.

  4. Virtual Thrive for Community events to bring caregivers, community members, and professionals together to continue the conversation of inclusive communities.

  5. Virtual Coffee Talks to bring different professionals into our private Pause Family Network Facebook Group to share different resources with families.

That’s the surface level, but we would argue that it’s not the real story. What really happens when these doors are opened? Pause Executive Director recalls what she has seen on a deeper level.

“We have truly seen life change as a result of the work we have been able to do with OCTF funding. I have watched kiddos who were struggling to know their worth, make lifelong friends and come out of their shell to be who they were created to be - simply by sharing meaningful experiences and conversations with safe volunteers on Zoom.

I have watched caregivers change the way they parent and see their kids all because we were able to offer parent coaching groups that were accessible in a safe way. Instead of disciplining a meltdown because of it being a “bad behavior”, parents learned to pause in order to understand what was at the root. They healed little brains by building relational connection first - and before correction happened. This has been vitally important the past 18 months, as I have watched the dominos of trauma fall as a consequence of a global pandemic.

OCTF gave us the momentum to keep support alive in a season where the world was saying predictable, consistent support to families wasn’t possible.”

Thank you Ohio Children’s Trust Fund. For trusting us, believing in our ability to make a difference and for giving us your yes.

This is CAN DO. This is COMMUNITY. This is YOUR SUPPORT.

*Virtual experiences for kids and caregivers are available today! To link into our event offerings as a family or volunteer, visit our website and click on Event Hub!


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